Creating a token

Check out the Permissions list for a complete list of permissions.

name description
roles A list of roles allowed for user. See permissions/configuration reference page
data.tags List of allowed tags to use in upload endpoints (OPTIONAL)
data.allowedMimeTypes List of allowed mime types (OPTIONAL)
data.maxAllowedFileSize Number of bytes of maximum file size (OPTIONAL)
data.allowedUserAgents List of allowed User-Agent header values (ex. to restrict token to single browser) (OPTIONAL)
data.allowedIpAddresses List of allowed IP addresses (ex. to restrict one-time-token to single person/session) (OPTIONAL)
expires Expiration date, or “auto”, “automatic”, “never”. Empty value means same as “auto”
POST /auth/token/generate?_token=your-admin-token-there

    "roles": ["collections.create_new", "collections.add_tokens_to_allowed_collections"],
    "data": {
        "tags": [],
        "allowedMimeTypes": ["image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif"],
        "maxAllowedFileSize": 14579,
        "allowedUserAgents": ["Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0"],
        "allowedIpAddresses": [""]
    "expires": "2020-05-05 08:00:00"

Example response:

    "tokenId": "D0D12FFF-DD04-4514-8E5D-D51542DEBCFA",
    "expires": "2020-05-05 08:00:00"

Required roles:

  • security.generate_tokens

Looking up a token

GET /auth/token/D0D12FFF-DD04-4514-8E5D-D51542DEBCFA?_token=your-admin-token-there

Example response:

    "tokenId": "34A77B0D-8E6F-40EF-8E70-C73A3F2B3AF8",
    "expires": "2019-01-06 09:20:16",
    "roles": [
    "tags": [
    "mimes": [
    "max_file_size": 14579

Required roles:

  • security.authentication_lookup

Revoking a token

DELETE /auth/token/D0D12FFF-DD04-4514-8E5D-D51542DEBCFA?_token=your-admin-token-there

Example response:

    "tokenId": "D0D12FFF-DD04-4514-8E5D-D51542DEBCFA",
    "expires": "2019-01-06 09:20:16"

Required roles:

  • security.revoke_tokens