
When you upload your file you will always get an URL address in the JSON response, but the download endpoints has more to offer than it looks on first view. Let’s explain additional things you can do with the download endpoint.


  • Bytes range support, files could be downloaded partially, videos can be rewinded while streamed
  • Big files support
  • Content type is sent, so the browser knows the file size and can show the progress bar
  • Optional password protection
Common parameters for all endpoints
name description
password Password to access the file, optionally if the file is password protected

Regular downloading

It’s very simple.

GET /repository/file/d3beb8a9f0some-file-name-there.txt?password=optional-password-there-if-any

Downloading using alias defined in ids_mapping.yaml

Aliases are allowing to access files by other names, they can be defined in ./config/ids_mapping.yaml file. It’s very helpful feature when you migrate from other storage application to File Repository.

Example ids_mapping.yaml file:

"oh-my-alias-there": "d3beb8a9f0some-file-name-there.txt"

Example request:

GET /repository/file/oh-my-alias-there