Bahub API client

Bahub is an automation tool for uploading and restoring backups. Works in shell, can work as a docker container in the same network with scheduled automatic backups of other containers, or can work as an UNIX daemon on the server without containerization.



Bahub can be running as a separate container attached to docker containers network or manually as a regular process. The recommended way is to use a docker container, which provides a working job scheduling, installed dependencies and a warranty that it will work.

Using docker container

There exists a repository, for testing purposes you can pick “latest-build” tag, for production it is recommended to pick a fixed version. Example installation on the simplest construction - docker-compose is placed in “examples/client” directory in the repository.

Running a demo

We prepared a demo environment that has a Bahub client, a Redis container and the File Repository server in one network. It’s recommended to have client and server separated on different servers.

Take a look around, and create your own docker-compose, kubernetes or plain docker setup basing on our demo configuration.

git clone
cd file-repository/examples/client
make start
make sh

Without docker

Use Python’s PIP to install the package, and run it.

pip install bahub
bahub --help