Technical shell commands

For better experience and less frustration we implemented a few commands that improves deployment and overall application maintenance. Also the Symfony Framework, that we use implements tons of useful shell utilities worth looking at.

Wait for database

# wait for application's database to be ready
./bin/console health:wait-for:database --timeout=300

Wait for other File Repository instance to be up

./bin/console health:wait-for:instance --timeout=2 --token=9b46f515-86d3-4d81-84e9-d4f5434f98f7

Health check

Does same thing as HTTP health check endpoint, but does not require authorization.

./bin/console health:check

Dump database connection information

Very useful in debugging configuration of the database. The command dumps already parsed parameters of the Doctrine DBAL driver.

$ ./bin/console doctrine:connection:info
==> Parameters:
^ array:12 [
  "driver" => "pdo_pgsql"
  "charset" => "UTF8"
  "default_dbname" => "rojava"
  "dbname" => "rojava"
  "host" => "/var/run/postgresql"
  "password" => "rojava"
  "user" => "riotkit"
  "port" => "5432"
  "path" => "./var/data.db"
  "driverOptions" => []
  "serverVersion" => "11"
  "defaultTableOptions" => array:2 [
    "charset" => "UTF8"
    "collate" => "pl_PL.UTF8"

==> Database:
^ "rojava"

==> Platform:
^ "postgresql"